Recent research at the USDA-ARS Walnut Gulch Experimental Watershed (WGEW) and the University of Arizona Santa Rita Experimental Range (SRER)
The Symposium will feature invited speakers presenting recent or on-going research on the WGEW, the SRER or other outdoor laboratories in the region. There will be time for questions from the audience, which will consist of federal agency, NGOs (non-governmental organizations) stakeholders from southern Arizona and university faculty, staff and students.
Registration is required to attend.
If Your Plans Change
PLEASE Cancel your registration if your plans change, so that we can accommodate as many attendees as possible. To cancel, please use the link in the registration email confirmation to add the text "CANCEL" in the Comments section.
The deadline for registration (as a courtesy for catering plans) is 01 November 2024. Walk-up registration will be available the day of the Symposium.
The deadline for Poster Abstract Submission is 11 October 2024. Note: Space may be limited to 20 posters and decisions about acceptance will be made by 25 October 2024.
Please consider making a donation of any amount to support the Symposium Program and Student Poster contest awards (currently $1100 in awards). You can donate at this url and this QR code.
A single award will be granted in each of the following categories:
Best Graduate Student Poster ($500)
Honorable Mention Graduate Student Poster ($200)
Best Undergraduate Student Poster ($300)
Honorable Mention Undergraduate Student Poster ($100)
To qualify for a poster award, the work presented on the poster must have been conducted on or have used data from the WGEW, the SRER, or both. Entry to the contest is made via the symposium registration link above.
Contestant's posters will be judged and awards presented at the close of the Symposium. A poster should stand on its own merit, but poster judges will also be visiting with each student at their posters to evaluate enthusiasm and competence in the subject area. Note: Students in the competition will be asked to identify at least a 30-minute window in which they will be at their poster during the poster session.
APPEARANCE: 1) Neat and visually appealing, 2) Well organized and easy to follow; it has a logical and clear progression of problem statement, methods, and results, and 3) Words are readable from an appropriate distance.
CONTENT: 1) Purpose of study is stated clearly, 2) Conclusions are stated clearly and supported by results, 3) Scientific method was utilized, and 4) Topic relevant to semiarid ecosystems.
GRAPHICS: Graphics are effective and enhance the results.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/REFERENCES: Proper acknowledgements are given for support of the study, and literature cited.
INTERACTION WITH STUDENT PRESENTER: 1) Presenter made appropriate reference to material in the poster and 2) Presenter spoke clearly and effectively.
Posters should not exceed 36 inches tall by 60 inches wide.
(applies to all posters, including student contestants and others)