2022 Symposium


Bradley, R.Microbial drivers support Lehmann's lovegrass germination and persistence at the Santa Rita Experimental Range
Anselmetto, N.Differences in population size structures drive grass response to long-term livestock removal
Rioux, R.One hundred years of plant composition and cover changes at three rangeland sites in northern Arizona
Almeida, R.Effects of wind turbine noise on kangaroo rat acoustic communication
Norton, C.Semi-Arid woody cover species classification using multi-temporal remote sensing data
Biederman, J.RainManSR: Above- and below-ground responses to three years of repackaging rainfall into fewer, larger storms in a semiarid grassland
Javadian, M.Impacts of rainfall repackaging on canopy temperature in a semiarid grassland
Friedman, H.Santa Rita RainMan summer season soil microbial activities vary with severity of prior winter drought
Guo, J.Temporally varying water use strategies in Juniperus osteosperma associated with GPP
Zhang, F.Direct and legacy effects of dry winter on photosynthesis in a semi-arid grassland
Aguilar-Cubilla, E.Grass-Cast in the South West: An analysis of its forecast skill
Ponce-Campos, G.Using UAV and satellite-based sensing to detect eroded ecological states at the landscape scale
Huang, T.Impacts of vegetation cover resolution on modeling hillslope soil erosion in a semiarid landscape
Hu, T.The feedback of Arizona grassland to changing hydroclimate and its impact on equilibrium state of carbon and water fluxes over time: A scenario analysis using CLM5.0
Xu, H.Semi-automatic identification of earthen berms in the semi-arid Southwestern US from Lidar-based digital elevation models
Devine, C.Estimating biomass and structural traits of dryland grass and shrub species using millimeter-scale 3D models derived from proximal structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry
Pierce, N.Sonoran Desert rangeland plant community dynamics in response to predicted changes in warm- and cool-season precipitation regimes
Dwivedi, R.Forest density regulates root zone water stress and percolation at sites with contrasting ephemeral or stable seasonal snowpacks