2008 Symposium


Heilman, P.Rangeland Cover Estimates from MODIS
Davison, J.Remotely sensed vegetation dynamics along Sky Island woody plant gradients: barometers of climate change and variability
Cavanaugh, M.Two-Site Comparison of Transpiration by Larrea tridentata
Barron Gafford, G.Integrating measures of soil respiration across spatial and temporal scales along a woody plant encroachment gradient using traditional and innovative techniques
McLain, J.Using Real-Time Quantitative PCR to Examine the Dynamic Role of Soil Fungi in C and N Cycling of Rangeland Soils
Ebbs, L.Spatial Patterns of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Mesquite Coppice Dunes
Leitner, W.The Santa Cruz River Bird Monitoring Network
Franklin, K.Effects of conversion of native rangeland to exotic grass pasture on ant assemblages in Sonora, Mexico
Shepherd, A.Differences in Buffelgrass abundance between wash and upland habitats, Santa Rita Experimental Range
Cate, A.The Santa Rita Experimental Range Historic Study Area Database Search Application
Nearing, G.Likelihood calibration of a soil moisture model with radar backscatter to account for speckle
Osmer, E.Native grass characteristics within xeroriparian communities of the Barry M. Goldwater Range-East, Arizona
Benton, L.Analysis of flowering in the repeat-blooming creosotebush (Larrea tridentata) using ground-based digital photography
Hewins, D.An Exploration of Soil Movement Effects on Leaf Litter Decomposition in a Chihuahuan Desert Grassland
Polyakov, V.Tracing sediment movement on semi-arid watershed using Rare Earth Elements
Woods, S.Precarious seedling establishment in Larrea tridentata: Soil moisture and a taproot elongation threshold