What is AGWA?

The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) tool is a GIS-based hydrologic modeling tool that uses commonly available GIS data layers to fully parameterize, execute, and spatially visualize results for the RHEM, KINEROS2, KINEROS-OPUS, SWAT2000, and SWAT2005 watershed runoff and erosion models. Accommodating novice to expert GIS users, it is designed to be used by watershed, water resource, land use, and resource managers and scientists investigating the hydrologic impacts of land-cover/land-use change in small watershed to basin-scale studies . AGWA is currently available as AGWA 1.5 for ArcView 3.x, AGWA 2.x for ArcGIS 9.x, and AGWA 3.X for ArcGIS 10.x.


We are excited to announce the release of AGWApro V0.5Beta. The Python toolbox and code for this version are maintained on the SWRC GitHub. You can download the AGWApro directory, along with a detailed tutorial that includes links to demo data and configuration instructions here. We encourage users to explore this Beta version and provide feedback to help us refine and enhance future releases.

Reduce Model Setup Time

Using only basic, attainable GIS data, AGWA reduces model setup time from watershed delineation through model execution and results analysis. AGWA provides a simple, direct, and repeatable methodology for hydrologic model setup.

Easy Workflow

Through a robust and intuitive GUI, the user delineates a watershed, discretizes it into model elements, parameterizes the discretization with soils and land cover data, writes precipitation files to drive the model, writes the model input files, execute the model, and imports the results to visualize in the GIS.

Scenario Analysis

AGWA is well-suited for scenario development and alternative futures simulation work at multiple scales, spatially and temporally, due to its support of multiple models. Additionally, AGWA is capable of performing rapid, post-fire watershed assessments by using a burn severity map to modify existing land cover.